Sunday, March 09, 2025

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "My Heart Reminds Me"

 Welcome back, my Dino-lovin' peeps! 


Guess what?! 

Spring is only a week & a half away!!! Parrrr-tayyy! Haha!! 

But...dare I's the weather? 

Well,'s nice one day...bloody freezin' the next! Haha!! I ain't complainin' though pallies! Told youse...Spring is a state of mind. And don't forget, IS only March. Comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb. Somethin' like that, I thinks. Comes in like a shot of booze, goes out like a glass of vino, maybe. Either way, mi amici...Winter ain't QUITE over yet. is MARCH! Parrr-tayyy! Hahaha!!! 

Man o' man! I'm in a crazy mood today! 

OK...OK...let's me calm down a wee bit. 

Now...this month basically means two thins' to me, pals. 1) Spring is on its way! & 2) CRAZY weather! Let's concentrate on the Spring part. 

To keep us on track, for the BEA U TI FUL days headin' our way...I decided on a pretty little tune, that I heard the other day, for today's Serenade.  

I know youse gonna completely MELT into this one, mi amici! Hopefully will gets the icy days meltin' too! 

"My Heart Reminds Me" will remind ALL us Dino-holics what our great great pal was originally known for...the MOST beautiful & romantico Italian croonin' to ever make it's way to the masses! Ha! 

These cold & frosty days don't stands a chance with this tune, pals! 

Man...thins' is heatin' up already!!! 

OK pallies, let's settle back into a warm & comfy spot......& stay positive! Spring is on its way! We got this! 

O' & by the way, pallies...Did youse set your clocks ahead? Man! I really am becommin' my mother, now! Haha!! 

Most of all, my friends...ALWAYS keeps the Dino vibe in your heart! 

That conquers ALL! 


Sunday, March 02, 2025

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Sunny Side Of The Street"

 Good mornin', pals o' mine! 

Welcome back & welcome to March! 

Man o man...what a TER RIF IC mood I is in, pallies! We is gettin' SO SO close to Spring & I simply can't wait! 

Now, mi youse ALL me...Spring is the BESTEST time of the year. Birds singin'! Blue skies shinin'! Grass & flowers startin' their sproutin'! Man! I cants' think of a better time to be alive, my friends! Dino-diggin' pallies...who comes to mind...with all these WON DER FUL thoughts...more than our pal amongst pals, Dino?! I say Dean & Spring go hand in hand...just like the birds & the buzzy little bees! Haha!! 

Yup, this is a VERY special time, my friends. 

I thinks I will pick one of my own personal FAVES to get this Pre-Spring vibe, vibin'! A TRULY inspirational Dino-jam! 

No matter what life throws our way, pals...snow or no snow...rain or ice. Even if we is knocked off our feet, & is lyin' face down in the mud...we ALWAYS have good ol' Dino to pick us back up! Simply gets up...wipe off that dirt...& walk on over to "The Sunny Side of the Street"! 

Let's sit back & let our pallie do what he does best...Spin some of that Dino-magic. 

Ok, my friends...we is gettin' closer every Dino-day! Only 17 to be exact! Yay!! 

And I don't care WHAT Ol' Mother Nature sends our way...this is our season, pallies! Ours & Dino's! Snow or rain...Sun or clouds...this is our new yearly beginnin' & that's what REALLY counts! 

It's a state of mind! Truly!

Hit it Dino! 


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Let Me Love You Tonight"

 Well we is…Windin' down 'nother Dino-Amore Month & gettin' through these cold wintery days. 

I know...I know. It's a little bittersweet. 

But fear not ol' pals o' mine...Dino will keep the torch of LOVE burnin'! Not to mention...ONLY 24 DAYS 'TIL SPRING!!! 

So...there I was, pallies...ponderin'...exactly which COOL COOL croon to cap off the month's FUN, PASSIONATE & SEXY Love-drenched Serenades with! Man o man...what a dilemma!!! What pressure!! Haha!! 

Well, I thinks I have a perfecto tune, that can send Dino-Amore Month off with a bang...Some "old school" Dino! Actually...they is ALL old school! Haha!! 

"Let Me Love You Tonight", has our pal 'mongst pals, tellin' some lovely chicalina EX ACT LY how he feels & believe me, mi amici,  the LOVE VIBE is DEF I NATE LY drippin' off every word! Checks out these lyrics! "Live a lifetime of love in a moment...holding me tight. Then forget me, my darling, only let me love you tonight". 

OMG! Sounds like a HOT & PASSIONATE one night stand! Haha!! I guess, Love em' & Leave em'? Hahaha!!! O well...Love is love in ALL shapes & sizes. 

"Let me kiss you tonight while the stars in the sky give a heavenly light, So when love is an ember, my heart will remember this sight." Man! I could go on & on all day long, with these juicy words of passion, pallies! But, I thinks I'll let Dino take it from here. 

Quick...turn your speakers WAY up! 

The whole world GOTTA hear this one!!! 

OK, my friends...let's pull it down a notch. 

Nice & chilled out. 

Take this one real easy like. 

As we slip outta Dino-Amore month & into March...let's do it with Dino's peaceful vibe. Likes I said...Spring is right 'round the corner. And with Spring...just like with Dean...LOVE is in the air! 

It's been my pleasure sharin' all these EXTRA special Dino-tunes, pals! Can hardly wait 'til next year! Haha!! 

See youse in March, mi amici! '

Member to always keep the love in the air & always ALWAYS keep the Dino & the vino flowin'! 


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Senza Fine"

 Welcome back, mi amici. 

Grab a glass of vino & get comfy. Week three of Dino-Amore Month continues! 

It's time to daydream with Dean & I is 'bout to lay some smooooth Dino-croonin' on youse. Haha!! 

Now, dear dear pallies o' mine...I was SO SO mesmerized by last week's Italian-vibed Serenade...that I decided to ride that wave for 'nother romantico week. 

I hope youse agree when I say that Dino's presentation of these BEA U TI FUL type o' tunes is WITHOUT question...the VERY best! I thinks I hear applause through my computer's speakers! Haha!! 

I knew all my pals would agree! 

"Senza Fine" ...without ANY doubt...the ONLY tune that I could pick for this week, mi amici. It was callin' to me! 

Translated from Italiano..."Never Ending or Endless. That says it all, dear friends. Just like can be without end. 

Now, this is probably one of the MOST romantico & powerfully passionate jams I knows of & this is DEF I NATE LY the vibe Dino wanted me to send to youse! Youse think so, pallies? Yes. No doubt. 

This hypnotizin' tune explains how love should be. How we should feel. Dino knew that. Don't hold back, my friends! Love is meant to be shared! Unconditionally!  And as I said here before, don't matter if it's your Husband, Wife, Mom or, cat, golfball or meatball! Just share some love!!! Hahaha!!! 

OK, pals...youse take it from here! 

Enjoy the moment & spread some Dino-love 'round! 

Ciao, mi amici!

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Dame Su Amor"

 Hey there, pals welcome to week two of this super, spicy & sizzlin’ Dino-Amore Month!

Man o Man, pals...have I gots us a TRULY fun fun & romantico tune to keep the LOVE flowin' ! 

I'm gonna get an "Italiano-styled vibe" goin' here, pals... & throw a little "Dame su Amor" at youse! 

Grabbed this sexy little number off Dean's "Italian Love Songs" al b um. It's COM PLETE LY filled with ballroom beats & pure pure lyrical gold! 

Ahhhhhh...Amor...this word is just SO SO sweet. No matter the language youse is croonin'! 

Now youse tell me...ol' pals o' mine...what senora, with romance on her mind...could POSSIBLY deny a senore's heart...if he placed it before her...with this jam jammin'?! I mean let's be real here, my amore-soaked friends! These are words of TRUE TRUE passion & SMOLDERIN' embers of HOT burnin' desire here, pals!!! 

Wow! Likes I knows it's still 38 days 'til Spring, but Man...thins' is gettin' warm in here! Haha!! ...Or maybe it's the martinis kickin' in?!!! Hahaha!!! Either way it's gettin' steamy! 

C'mon now people! 

This is Dino at his finest!!! 

"So I kissed her waiting lips...touched her eager fingertips then I whispered in her ear...Dame Dame Su Amor." Oh my God, pals!!! ALL the ladies must be meltin' over this one! I personally know of one swingin' little Dino-lovin' chicalina, that is for SURE! Haha!! Yea, she's TOTALLY dreamin' 'bout our Dino, all night & all day! Haha!! 

One last thin', my friends...I gots to warn youse...these Italian Waltz's & Cha Cha's, just MAY get youse thinkin' irrationally & romantically! Haha!! There's NO tellin' what youse may do!  

Now, pals...I'm gonna ignore the snow that's fallin' today & turn this Dino-Amore Serenade waaaay up! 

Let's keep the love flowin' til' next week! 


Sunday, February 02, 2025

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "My One & Only Love"

 Welcome back, my Dino-diggin' peeps...And WELCOME to DINO-AMORE MONTH 2025!!! 

Hope everyone is startin' to thaw! 



I don't EVER 'member it bein' THAT cold for THAT long in all of my 55 years! Thankfully thins' is warmin' up...a little anyway...& Dino-Amore Month is here! 

Still...I thinks' I'd better pick an EXTRA smolderin'-type tune for this week's Serenade. 

This deep freeze we is crawlin' outta froze your pal, Danny G., to the Dino-lovin' bone, mi amici...& I for one, needs to get the amore-blood flowin'! 

How's 'bout I grab the ONE al b um that's SURE to be jam-packed with PURE PURE Dino-hotness?! 'Nough powerfully passionate tunes to melt the glaciers! SO SO much heat that the thermostat may explode!!! 

Yes ,pallies...I is reachin' for Dino's compilation recordin'..."Amore"!  This vinyl masterpiece came out a few years back, & is simply overflowin' with...yup...AMORE! Haha!! 

Now I don't know 'bout youse...but...if I want to set the mood...get just the right vibe...& pretty much have audio L.O.V.E. flowin' from my speakers...I'm puttin' on some, "My One & Only Love". 

This jam is just TOTALLY soothin' to the soul, my friends. 

Relaxin' & Swoonin'. 

Let's roll into week Uno of Dino-Amore Month in style. 

Turn it up & pour 'em up, mi amici! 


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'm In The Mood For Love"

 Welcome back, mi amici! 

Welcome young lovers! 

And old! 

Shy & bold...short or tall...large or small! Haha!! I thinks that covers all of us! 

Anyways, pallies...Dino-Amore Month 2025 is nearly here & it's time to SWOON!! 

Yea yea, pals...I know! It's still January. But, my fellow Dino-holics...I simply couldn't waste a whole week of Dino-Amore...waitin' on February! And besides...what's wrong with a little pre-gamin'? Nothin'! Haha!! 

Now, where was I? O yes...Ahhhhhhhhh! This VERY special Serenade is gonna segway us into a month FULL of the HOTTEST...SEXIEST...SIZZILINIST...Dino-jams this side of the ol' galaxy!!! Can youse feel the love in the air?! Haha!! 

Yup...Amore has taken over our swingin' little blog! 

For the next few weeks...L.O.V.E takes precedent & Dino is leadin' the charge, pallies!  It's time once 'gain to TRULY evaluate our DEEPEST FEELINS'...our MOSTEST POWERFUL PASSIONS...our "slap me in the face to calm me down" EMOTIONS!!! Hahaha!!! 

Now, pals...these are merely thoughts off the top of my love-drenched head! I ain't even gettin' started with the TRUE TRUEST excitement that Dean is gonna bring to these here Serenades all month long! Man, pallies...I can hardly wait to jump into our first croon! 

I thinks I is gonna start thins' off real smooth. A cool cool Dino-tune to ease us into the lovin'. Haha!! Yea...I found us somethin' real light & chill for today. 

Grabbed this bea u ti ful gem off Dean's show, pals! "I'm In the Mood for Love". 'Nothin' better than Ol' Dino teachin' us 'bout the age old art of lovin', face to face! No better professor to advise us on romance, either! But, mi amici...I thinks we ALL need to figure thins' out on our own. Right? Yup. We never seem to take the best advice when it comes to the heart. We all gotta learn the hard way, my friends.'s a fun fun ride either way! Ain't it? 

Yea...That's life! That's love! Haha!! 

Hey, pallies...I bet we wouldn't change a thin'. 

Live & Love & Learn! 

OK...let's let Dean do his thin'! 

He speaks for us all! 

Soak in the amore, mi amici! It's in the air! Probably some more snow too. Haha!! Ugh! Oh well, pals...only 52 days 'til Spring! 
